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(Upcoming) Jesus Foretells Signs And His Coming Again In Power And Glory / Luke: 21:1-38


Luke 21:1-38

Key Verse: 21:27, “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”

  1. What did Jesus see and say (1–4)? How did Jesus see and value things differently than economists would have done?

  2. How did Jesus see the temple differently than some (5–6)? What did this prompt them to ask Jesus (7)? What did Jesus first foretell and warn about (8)? What then did Jesus tell them not to be terrified of, and how do these words prepare us as well (9)?

  3. In verses 10–19, what things did Jesus foresee would happen on a grand and local scale? How would these things affect his disciples personally? What attitude should Jesus’ disciples have through all this? What sobering prophecy and encouraging promises did Jesus give them?

  4. What did Jesus foretell next (20–24; 19:43–44)? Why would this happen? What events would cause great fear (25–26)? What is the climactic sign Jesus foretold, and what is the meaning of it (27; see Daniel 7:13–14)? How should Jesus’ disciples react (28)?

  5. What can we learn from the fig tree parable (29–31)? Bible scholars have various sound interpretations of verse 32: what do you think it means? What did Jesus say about his words (33)?

  6. For what must we watch ourselves and why (34–35)? What attitude and prayer did Jesus tell his followers to have (36)? What did Jesus do each day in his final days (37–38)?

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