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Two Nations Are in Your Womb

  • by LA UBF
  • Aug 30, 2009
  • 600 reads


JBF Genesis Bible Study SWS 08/30/2009

JBF Genesis Bible Study                                                                 SWS 08/30/2009


Genesis 25:19-34

Key Verse 25:23

The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two people from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.”

Read V19-21. What was the problem in Isaac’s family? What did Isaac do about it? How was his way of dealing with this problem different form the way his father Abraham had dealt with a similar problem? What can we learn about Isaac?

Read V22-23. What problem was Rebekah experienced during her pregnancy? Why was she concerned? What did she do? What does this show about her faith? What was God’s revelation to her when she came to him with her problem? 

Read V24-28. How were Jacob and Esau different form one another at birth? How were they different as they grew up? 

Read V29-34. How did Esau come to sell his birthright to Jacob? What is the birthright? Why did Jacob want it? What does this show about him? Why did Esau sell the birthright? What does this show about him? What can we learn about God’s ways of working? 


**Read Gen. 25:1-18 as a reference.

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