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The Finger of God

  • by LA UBF
  • Jul 05, 2015
  • 1067 reads


The Finger of God

Luke 11:14-28

Key Verse 20

“But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.”

1. Read verse 14. What did Jesus do for a man? (14a) How do you think is it important for the man to speak and what does this change tell us about Jesus? (14b, Isaiah 35:6)

2. Read verses 15-20. What did some doubters say? (15, 16) Who were they? (Mt 12:24; Mk 3:22) What did Jesus say to them? (17-20) What does it mean by the finger of God? What is the result of driving out demons with the finger of God? (20b)

3. Read verses 21-23. Who are the strong man and the stronger man? (21, 22) How does Jesus attack and overpower the demon? What would happen to those who are with Jesus? (23)

4. Read verses 24-28. What danger does a person face after an evil spirit departs from them? (24-26) How do you think he/she can prevent it? What did Jesus teach the admiring woman about what really counts? (27-28)

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