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Love (Ahava)

  • by LA UBF
  • Apr 14, 2013
  • 455 reads


David’s Success and Saul’s Jealousy

1 Samuel 18:1-30

Key Verse: 18:14

In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him.

  1. Read verses 1-4. After David defeats Goliath and reports to Saul, what does Jonathan do? (1, 3, 4) Where does David stay? (2) What do you notice about Jonathan’s good example of being one in spirit with David?

  2. Read verses 5-11. How does David carry out what Saul sent him to do? (5a) What was the result? (5b) What sparks Saul’s jealousy? (6-9) How does Saul try to kill David? (10-11)

  3. Read verses 12-16. Why is David successful? (12, 14) How does Saul respond to David’s success? (15) How do the people of Israel and Judah respond? (16)

  4. Read verses 17-30. What is Saul’s plan for getting rid of David? (17) What happens as a result? (18-19) What is Saul’s second plan for getting rid of David? (20-25) What happens as result? (26-27) What caused Saul to become more afraid of David? (28-29) What happens as the Philistines and the Israelites continue to fight? (30)

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