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Korea Journey Report by Isaac Kim

  • by LA UBF
  • Oct 17, 2010
  • 768 reads


Journey Report Dated Oct 17,2010���

 Journey Report Dated Oct 17,2010

Psalm 11:3, "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?"

From October 5 to 16, I visited Korea. I recognized that the times are wicked, so I was wondering how the Lord wants us to better serve His will for the next 50 years and beyond. 

1. Seminar

From October 5 (Tuesday) to October 8 (Friday) the World Christian School Network (WCSN), working with the International Evangelical Association (IEA) held the 5th World Educational Mission Conference with the theme title, "Teaching to Change the World," at the Olympic Parktel in Seoul, Korea. 

Highlights of the programs (which I liked very much and attended) included: 

Mission Leadership of National Leaders (Dr. Hyun-il Park, Chair for the Early Morning National Prayer Association)

The Blessings of Biblical Education (Dr. Il Kim, Principle of the Japanese Christian School, Fukuoka, Japan)

The Importance of Education Mission (Dr. Hyung-tae Kim, Chancellor of Han-nam University, Korea; Chair of Education-based Korean Missionary Association)

Education through Home-schooling (Dr. Nam-young Kim, Professor of Kwangwoon University; Chair of the Korean Home schooling Association)

Korean Modern History and Christian Leadership (Dr. Woosung Park, Previously the chair of the Korean YMCA, Principle of Han-ol Highschool at Onyang)

New Paradigm of Mission (Dr. James Song, Founder/President IEA, WCSN)

The role of Supporting Churches' Education Mission (Pastor Kyung-dong Chang, Daejeon Joongmon Church)

Spiritual Growth for Educational Missionary (Pastor Bokmoon Lee, Senior Pastor of Jangyoo Crystal Church)

Sermon - With the Heart of Jesus Christ (Pastor Eukhee Lee, Jooan Church at Anyang)

Educational Direction in Global and Information-Oriented Era (Dr. Young-kil Kim, Chancellor, Handong University)

Mission Direction for Professionals (Dr. Daejoon Choo, Previously the vice chief for the Whitehorse Security Department; Vice Chancellor of Kaist)

College Establishment and Administration in the Mission Field (Dr. Youngkwon Kim; Chancellor of Freh University in Mongol)

Mission Strategies through Mass-Media (Missionary Sang-chil Kim, Dean of GGU Europe Campus) - breakout session

Extended Education for Local Ministries (Missionary Seongsik Son, President of Mindanao Sermon University, Mindanao Philippines)

Research on Administration of Christian Schools (Missionary Yongdol Kim, Principle of King's Kid Christian School, Batangas, Philippines)

School Administration and Principal's Leadership (Dr. Sungjae Yoo, Principal of Kyungwon Highschool, Taeku Korea)

World Mission and the Role of CCM (Dr. Hangki Yoon, Chancelor of Yae-eom Divinity School)

Sermon - Four Kinds of Spirituality in this Era (Pastor Seoksoon Lim, Hankook Choongang Church)

School Operation and Administration (Dr. Byungdo Kang, Chancellor of Changsin University)

Co-operation of Inter-Christian Schools (Namhoon Yoon, Principal of Jeongwoi Women's Highschool; Chair of the Association of Principals Co-operation, in Seoul Area)

The seminar helped me build a network with non-UBF Christian workers, as well as a knowledge base to serve world mission based on education better.

2. Sunday worship -October 10, 2010

Chongno (I, II, VII) - joint worship at 11:00 a.m.; about 240 students attended the worship. They are studying the Book of Genesis. Missionary Peter Hong and his wife of Baltimore UBF on a short visit attended the worship. After the worship I briefly shared prayer topics on God's work on the West coast of the U.S.

Kwanak (III) - 3:30 p.m. Kwanak serves Seoul National University. About 120 students gathered in worship. I shared a brief testimony and report. After worship, several coworkers invited me to an eating fellowship specializing in duck. The father of Missionary Dr. Philip Won of Seattle UBF runs the restaurant. He has a plan to open a branch in Seattle. I encouraged him to open one at Downey as well.

3. Korean UBF Staff Meeting - Oct 11, 2010 

On Monday there was a staff meeting. They study Isaiah. At the staff meeting a discussion took place on the preparation for the 50th Anniversary, which followed by prayers. About seventy young staff members attended. I saw a great future of the UBF ministry, for unlike other churches where ministers are relatively old, Korean UBF is staffed with young ministers. 

4. Dialogues/fellowship with staff shepherds

Saturday evening (Oct 9). Dr. Samuel Lee invited me to an eating fellowship and prayer for the 50th Anniversary.

Special meeting with Junior Staff Oct 15 (Friday) at the Chongno Center. Pursuant to the prior discussion with Dr. Samuel Lee, a discussion and prayer meeting took place among key junior staff members (Moses Kim of Anam, Joseph Lee of Daehakro, Elijah Lee of Dongyo, Stephen Ahn of Hangang, Moses Yoon of Chongno and Kwanak). Jonathan Park of Chongno was a special guest. The meeting was useful in that I was able to capture the key thanks topics and prayer topics. This meeting helped me better understand where the ministry stands and where the Lord might want us to go in the years to come. 

5. Chapter visits 

Sinchon Center (Eumki Sung) - Oct 9, 2010. Shepherd Eumki Sung is working on the Uganda BMC (Bethesda Mission Clinic). He also takes care of Missionary Samuel Lee's three children (Samuel Jr., Jooeun, and Jookyung). Dr. Sam Zun and Missionary Hanna were visiting the center. In talking with Dr. Sam Zun I was glad to hear that the vision to get the 6th story BMC building completed is in sight. Sister Heebum Choi is from Sinchon Center, so they thanked Downey coworkers for welcoming her.

Dongkyo Center - Oct 9, 2010. Dongkyo pioneers Hongik University. Recently they built a new Bible center (5 story building). This building houses two chapters: Dongkyo and Hwarang. Shepherd Elijah of Dongyo and Shepherd Philip Lee of Hwagang worked together to build the new center. On the rooftop we had a Bible study and joint prayer. The two chapter directors set a beautiful example of working together.

Choongchung Center - Oct 12 (Tuesday), 2010. Shepherd Sung Chang Lee is one of Korean Junior Staff members. He used to pioneer Jeju University in Jeju Island. After building a ministry, the Lord guided him to pioneer a new chapter, pioneering Chungjoo University as well as Choongnam University. On my way to visit my sisters in the country villages he volunteered to give me a ride. This led me to visit his chapter and have fellowship, Bible studies and joint prayers with him. He is Dr. Paul Koh's disciple. He was largely fruitful while in Jeju. Although it has been less than two years in a new area, already he has a dozen Bible students at his Bible center.

Yeonhee Center - After the Staff Meeting at Chongno, Shepherd David Kim of Yeonhee contacted me asking me to attend the Friday meeting at Yeonhee and share a message and mission report. The Friday meeting began at 8 p.m. and ended at 11:00 p.m. About 120 young students attended. About 10 students shared testimonies. I served a brief message on Exodus 4, and shared a mission report. Shepherd David Greenfield's fiance greeted me, so I took a picture with her.

Kyungsung Center - Oct 16, Saturday, 2010. While I was on the 6th floor of the Chongno Center, Dr. James Surh called me and asked me to visit his chapter, Kyungsung. The appointment was at 8:00 A.M. Since everyone looked busy, I took a taxi to go there. The GPS system did not work, so I had to get off, and took another taxi. The GPS system worked fine, but the driver kept missing to turn at the right corner. Soon he got stuck in a narrow alley. I paid him, got off the taxi, came out to a major street, and took another taxi. The driver learned that the center was nearby, got mad, and complained saying, "You are trying to take advantage of me; get off, and go there on foot. I am not a map finder." I begged him saying, "I am late for the appointment." He took me to a certain corner and let off saying, "Here you are, get off." I got off. But I could not find the address. Out of nowhere Andrew Lee of S. Africa came out and took me to the center. Although I was late over one hour, Dr. James and Kyunghee Surh greeted me. After breakfast, at Dr. James's office, we conversed together and prayed for the 50th Anniversary. 

6. Fellowship with Lay shepherds

On Wednesday evening (Oct 13), Dr. Paul B. Lee hosted an eating fellowship and prayer meeting among several lay shepherds (Jonathan Park, Barnabas Lee, Andrew Kim, Joseph Lee, Paul B. Lee, and myself). 

7. Prayers with Missionaries 

At the Chongno center several missionaries were staying for a short visit (Grace Koh of the Philippines, Nehemiah of Zambia, Mary of Nigeria (Yabatech), and Abraham Lee of Canada (Calgary)). We ate and prayed together.

8. Prison Visitaction 

Along with Grace Koh, I visited a shepherd who is serving a prison term. I shared with him that just like the Apostle Paul who was an ambassador of Christ in chain, so also while he is in prison he would serve the inmates with the gospel. 

9. Family visit

My youngest sister is yet to be saved, so I prayed that the Lord would give me a good way to serve her. In talking to her on the phone I realized that the wife of one of my nephews was hospitalized due to cancer. On Oct 12, the Lord blessed me to visit her at Youngnam University Hospital where I gathered my family members including all of my sisters, and had a bible study and prayer session at the hospital. I thank God for Shepherd Sungchan Lee who provided me with transportation to visit the hometown, and then to the hospital. 

10. Prayer with former Bible student

On Saturday (Oct 16) I was ready to leave Korea for LA.  However, before I left one of my old sheep called and asked to meet me. We met at the Chongno center. I was glad to see him keeping his faith. He still attends Dongkyo center. His marriage life was not uneventful. He shared his life story. After a joint prayer we took a picture and parted company.

Conclusion: There was one alarming sign that is true of S. Korea, and that is the drastic decline in the birth rate. I graduated from Oksan Elementary School in 1961. At that time the number of students was about 1,500. But now the number has decreased to 105. Taegu is the third largest city in S. Korea. There, last year alone they closed four elementary schools. In talking with UBF staff members, I learned that most of the chapters are striving hard to invite undergraduate college students and helping them to meet Jesus personally. And it is getting increasingly more difficult to invite and raise one student as a disciple. But hard times are good times for the Lord. May the Lord help us to take up the cross of mission and prayerfully serve the campus mission with the heart of our Lord Jesus.

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