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  • by LA UBF
  • Sep 24, 2018
  • 3075 reads


Lesson 2



Genesis 1:26-2:3        

Key Verse: 1:31a


God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.


1.      Read verses 26 and 27 again. What did God decide to do? What was God’s plan for mankind? (See Ps 139:13-16; Ps 8:1-9) What does it mean that God created mankind in his own image? What are some of the God-like attributes we can find in man?


2.      How did God bless man and woman? (28) What was the work he had created them to do? What does it mean to subdue and rule over? How can you know your Creator and find the work he created you to do?


3.      Read verses 29-30. How did God provide for the physical needs of mankind doing God's work? How should man respond to God's gracious gift? (Ps 104:14,27, 31,33)


4.      Read verse 31. What does verse 31 teach us about God and the world he created? About myself? What difference does it make for me to know that God created me for a good purpose? (Eph 2:10)


5.      Read 2:1-3. What did God do on the seventh day? Why did he bless the seventh day and make it holy? (See Mk 2:27) How can we find real rest? (Mt 11:28-29)

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