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If Anyone Would Come After Me

  • by LA UBF
  • Jul 29, 2011
  • 712 reads


Peter’s Confession of Christ���

If Anyone Would Come After Me

Matthew 16:13-28

Key Verse 24

Then Jesus said to his disciples,
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross and follow me.”

Read verses 13-16. Where did Jesus take his disciples? (13a) What did Jesus ask his disciples? (13b) Who did the people think Jesus was? (14) How was Peter’s answer different? (15-16) Who do you say Jesus is? What does ‘the Christ’ and ‘the Son of the living God’ mean?

2. Read verse 17-20. Why was Peter blessed? (17) What did Jesus say concerning Peter? (18-19) Why did Jesus warn his disciple not to tell his identity? (20) 

3. Read verses 21-23. Why “must” Jesus suffer and be killed and raised? (21) Why did he begin explaining this now? How did Peter respond? (22) How did Jesus rebuke Peter? (23) What does it mean to have in mind the things of God or the things of men?

4. Read verse 24. If anyone would come after Jesus, what must he do? (24) What does it mean to deny yourself? (Mk 10:45; Jn 12:26) To take up his cross? To follow me?

5. Read verses 25-28. Why “must” we follow Jesus the way he prescribes? (25-27) What promise did Jesus give? (27-28) 

2011 Summer Bible Conference – Group Study Materials

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