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Here Are My Mother and Brothers

  • by LA UBF
  • May 03, 2009
  • 609 reads


Here Are My Mother and My Brothers

Matthew 12:22-50

Key verse 12:49

Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers.”

Read verses 22-23. What do you think the demon-possessed man's life was like before he was brought to Jesus? Why do you think the people asked, "Could this be the Son of David?"

Read verses 24-29. Why do you think the Pharisees declared, "it is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons"?  How did Jesus' response show the irrationality of the Pharisees' thoughts? What does Jesus' ability to drive out demons show about him? (vs. 28-29)

Read verses 30-37. What was the real reason the Pharisees slandered Jesus? (30) Why was their sin so terrible that they would not be forgiven? (31-32)  The Pharisees looked like the most righteous people around, but Jesus says they were "evil." How did they reveal their true nature? (33-35) Why does God pay careful attention to "careless" words? (36-37)

Read verses 38-42. According to Jesus, why did the Pharisees and teachers of the law ask him for a miraculous sign? (39)  What sign does God give us? (39-40) On what basis did the people of Nineveh repent? (see Jonah 3:4-5) On what basis did the Queen of the South glorify God? (1 Kings 10:1-9) What warning do we find here?

Read verses 43-45. How do you think the man who was set free from the power of an evil spirit might end up worse than he was at first? What could a man do to prevent this from happening?

Read verses 46-50. Why do you think Jesus' mother and brothers wanted to talk to him? What does Jesus' response show about his identity and attitude toward God? Who does Jesus regard as his family members? What can we learn from this in light of the entire passage?

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