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Be Thankful

  • by LA UBF
  • Nov 20, 2011
  • 463 reads




(A Bible study for Thanksgiving, 2011)

Colossians 3:1-17

Key Verse 3:15-16

[15] Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. [16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

Think about the thanks topic(s) described in vs. 1-4. What do "things above" refer to?  What does 'set' mean? How is the heart different from the mind? Why is it necessary for one to set one's heart and mind on things above?

Read vs. 5-11. What does this passage indicate about the reasons why many still live a life that is NOT thankful to Lord?

Read vs. 9-11 again explain:

1) the difference between old self vs. new self;

2) 'is being renewed' in knowledge in the image of its Creator; and

3) Christ is all, and all in all.

Read vs. 12-14 and compare the exhortations described in this passage with the ones found in vs.5-11. How are these exhortations related to the life that is thankful to the Lord?

Read vs. 15-17. What further admonitions (or conditions, if you will) can you find here for the life that is thankful to the Lord?

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Be Thankful

Colossians 3:1-17

Key Verse 3:15b

…And be thankful.

Happy thanksgiving! Today we would like to think about the Christian way of thanksgiving. If you go to any country or nation, people in different nations have their own way and reason or reasons for thanksgiving. In the U.S. we have the American way of thanksgiving. For example we have our own ways of thanksgiving, even in eating what we eat like turkey with or without gravy. But before we are American citizens we are first the citizens of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus. So as citizens of God's kingdom we do have own reasons and way of thanksgiving. 

In the Bible there are many Bible passages that instruct us on thanksgiving. Today for our own purpose, we would like to think about the Christian thanksgiving based on the passage for today, for this passage provides for us the fundamental reason and way of the thanksgiving in the Lord. 

I. The foundation of our thanksgiving

When we think about the thanksgiving, one is thankful because he has a reason or reasons to be thankful. Now in the Bible it is given that our life in the Lord is meant to be thankful, so with all other conditions being equal, Christians are thankful people and they are so regardless of circumstances. So we say Christians' thanksgiving is independent of circumstances. 

We find this being the case with the Apostle Paul. From a human standpoint, he had many reasons to be sad. He did not have any regular job. He was in his old age, perhaps a lot older than I. He had no immediate family members supporting him. He is locked in a prison cell in Rome. Yet, he is thankful. And he rejoices in the Lord all the time, as we see in many of his epistles him saying, Be thankful always. 

Question: Why then is it that many Christians living in this advanced nation the U.S. remain not always as thankful as Paul? I did not closely follow up on what is going on with the movement to occupy the Wall Street. But I hear that an increasing number of people are dissatisfied with what is going on in this nation, esp. the rich getting richer, poor poorer. So they demonstrate. And I am afraid that it is not just unbelieving people but even an increasing number of believers who grow dissatisfied daily. Why? 

I think we can find the answer to this question in the passage for today, that is, losing the sight of what the Lord has done. Look at vs. 1-4. In this passage it is said the life of a believer is hidden in Jesus Christ. When Jesus appears this life is going to appear with Him in glory. Here the word 'hidden' has different meanings such as 'preserved, protected, or kept in a way that is safe and secure'. The word 'appear' refers to the time when Jesus comes again and makes everything new. A while ago, when Steve Jobs died, his sister a professor of English at UCLA shared a eulogy for him. There she divided his brother's life into three segments: his full life, his sickness, and his death. In case of Jesus and all those who belong to him three more components are added: his resurrection, his ascension, and his coming again. For us who believe in the Lord, as Jesus died, we too died, and as he rose again we too were raised. Then along with Jesus we ascended into the place Jesus is now and as we wait for Jesus to appear, we too look forward to appearing with him in glory. 

Some people have difficulties to understand how these transactions are going to be possible. One physicist tried to explain these phenomena with the concept of singularity. If you are interested, you may wish to read the books by Frank Tipler "The Physics of Christianity" or "The physics of immortality". There you will see him discussing the triune God in terms of three different segments of time that is past, present, and future. In so doing, one of the tools he is adopting is three lines (or sticks) which are all separate, but are all put together on each end. And there is an alpha point, then omega point, representing the beginning and end, and the line that is suspended between the points represent the journey of our life, with people being born into this planet earth, then departing, just like the train like Amtrak running from the Union Station in down town LA to San Diego, so that as the train stops at each station, people keep getting in and out. Some evangelists try to explain this phenomenon with the principle of seed sown into the ground and coming back to life, to say that just as Jesus died, so also we who identify ourselves with Jesus died on a tree, and rose again along with Jesus, only waiting for all to reappear in glory at the time of the renewal. Some pastors employ the typology such as the teachings found in the book of Hebrews 10. Some theorists explain the concept based on the representative theory, that is, Jesus died and rose again and will come again as our representative and we along with him. But for us who believe the Bible, it is enough to say, "As in Adam all die, so also in Christ all [who put trust in the Lord] will be made alive." 1Co 15:22 [Consider also the meanings of Jesus' words in John gospel saying, he called his disciples out of this world and put them back to this world to do the will of God for each person.]

We should not understand the idea of 'hidden' or 'appear' as something for the remote future alone which is totally unrelated to the life that is here and now. Rather, in as much as our Lord Jesus is risen and is now with us here in our hearts through the presence of His Spirit and the living word of God which is God-breathed, we know that the life that is hidden is in fact stored up in him, who is living right in our heart, ready to reappear in glory at God's own time. So each and every day, no matter what happens while we walk here on earth in our physical body in the Lord, we can be thankful all the time. This is like a man who has a spring fountain of living source of thanksgiving, so that from the fountain that is built inside, we can breathe in and out of His life which gives us the reason to praise Him always.

II. The way of thanksgiving

Now let us consider the question of how, which comes in exhortations in the passage. 

First, set the hearts and minds on the things above. Here above is not a physical/spatial concept, but refers to the spiritual reality where our Lord Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. The expression right hand especially the word hand should not be interpreted literally, but figuratively, for as we know God does not have a body as we do, so he does not have any hand, arm, or feet. In the Bible then as used with the Lord God, right hand refers to his omnipotence, especially the power to raise the dead back to life. 


In the same way in the passage the Apostle says it is since we have been raised with Christ that we are to set our hearts and minds on the things above. The call to set one's heart and mind on the things above then is the call to look up to our Lord Jesus in our inner person, and live by faith in His power, even the power of resurrection. Practically then the 'setting' is the practical way for us to see Jesus' power channeling into our life, first into our heart then mind and actions in daily life. As God's power stems from and flows into our life and to others, giving life to those who come to our life, thanksgiving overflows. So it is as we set our hearts and minds on our Lord Jesus that we offer prayers that God would help his people with his omnipotent power. 

Second, put to death our earthly nature. Look at vs. 5,6. This command is another key for the way of Christian thanksgiving. As long as we live in this world where both the good and evil exist raging against each other, it is a must for us to put to death the evil components that fight against that which is good. Consider then the items on the list: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed. Because of these God's wrath is coming down on man. These components work like black holes, causing man to be dissatisfied all the more. So the only way to deal with these is to put to death the earthly nature. The expression 'death' tells us that they need to be completely rid of our life, so that they would never establish a foothold on our life. With human efforts, however, one cannot do the killing. It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we can put this nature to death. For this reason the Apostle Paul said we need to be taught to be made new in the attitude of our minds. Consistent with this truth, Paul says in vs. 7-11 the need to put off old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires, and put on the new self created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. And this new self is made new in knowledge and image of our Lord Jesus the Creator, so in Jesus all would be made new creations. 

Thirdly, put on the virtues that build up our relationship with fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord (12-16) 

Christian thanksgiving is not only a private and personal matter but a matter of community. It is a collective experience. In order for us to be thankful, we come to be thankful more as we learn to associate with and get along with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. For this reason in vs. 12-16, the Apostle Paul talks about the need to put on the good virtues such as kindness, gentleness. He also talks about the peace of Christ ruling our heart, as well as the need to have our hearts filled with the word so we could spread the word of God through one to one ministry or Bible studies in groups or at church meetings such as Friday leaders' meeting where fellow disciples share the word of God through testimony sharing, forming one body headed by our Lord Jesus the head. 

Finally let us read v. 17. Here, the expression 'in the name' is very important for all strenuous purposes, esp. thanksgiving. Do it all in the name of our Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

In conclusion, in this passage we thought about the foundation of our thanksgiving, that is, our Lord Jesus seating us with him at the right hand of God, where our Lord Jesus is hiding in himself the life in him for all who believe, so as Jesus will sooner than later appear, we too can appear in glory. This work of life is the reality that is true of us beginning here and now. As is this the case, each and every day regardless of circumstances, we give thanks to the Lord by setting our hearts and minds on the Lord, having put to death our earthly nature, and working on the body of our Lord Jesus in his love. Then we can give thanks to the Lord 24/7. 

One word: be thankful

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