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A Royal Priesthood

  • by LA UBF
  • Sep 02, 2016
  • 935 reads



1 Peter 2:3-3:7

Key Verse 2:9

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

1. Read verses 2:4-8. What does Peter call Jesus and those who come to Jesus? (4,5a) What is God’s plan for them? (5b) Why does Peter describe Jesus as a cornerstone? (6a) What two responses are there to this stone? What are the different outcomes to people’s responses? (6b-8)

2. Read verse 2:9-10. Who are we in Jesus Christ and what does each title mean? (9a) Based on these titles, what is God’s purpose for us? (9b) Why is it important to remember God’s mercy? (10)

3. Read verses 2:11-17. What did Peter urge the believers to do? (11, 12) What attitude should Christians have toward human authority, and why? (13-15) How should believers exercise their freedom? (16) What kind of relationship should believers have with people and with God? (17)

4. Read verses 2:18-3:7. How should believing employees serve their employers and why? (18-20) How can we obey this exhortation? (21-25) What does Peter encourage wives to do? (1-6) Likewise, what does he encourage husbands to do? (7)

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