(JAPAN) Tokyo UBF Renewed their Resurrection Faith at their Easter Conference from April 8-9, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 17, 2023
  • 526 reads

by Daniel J.

We held our Easter Conference from April 8-9 and all participants (35 offline and 15 online) renewed their faith in the resurrection. Msn. Yohan and Shaina K. from the United States also attended it and we had great fellowship together. In the first message, Ryosuke S. testified of the resurrected Jesus (Luke 24:1-35). He told us that when he came to faith in the resurrection, he was able to bear many crosses and live a victorious life by faith. Through testimony writing, we all repented of our weakened faith as we passed through the pandemic over the past three years, and renewed our faith in the resurrection for a strong new start.

On the second day, with a prayerful heart for ISBC, Msn. Siegmund delivered ‘The world mission command" (Luke 24:36-53) in English. Through his words, I learned about Jesus' suffering and resurrection and realized that even though it is not easy to obey the world mission command, when you obey your life will be greatly blessed. Msn. Siegmund was a successful and well-paid IT manager at Columbia University, but when he came to Japan as a missionary, his salary was cut in half and he suffered hardships. However, he testified very brightly and powerfully that with God's blessing, he was happily carrying out the mission with his beautiful and wonderful wife and two children. We received great grace through the Word, and the Easter offering was given to support ISBC. At the Easter service, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was celebrated with special songs by Msn. Johan, Shaina K., and other teams. Praise God for blessing our conference and renewing our faith in the resurrection of Jesus!