(JAPAN) Tokyo UBF had Their 2023 Fall Disciple Retreat Where They Studied The Book of Titus from Oct. 7-8

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 21, 2023
  • 362 reads

Thank God for greatly blessing the Tokyo UBF Fall Disciple Retreat held from October 7th-8th. And for greatly blessing the sending service of Misaki T. to Osaka. Forty-five people attended and received much grace through the words of Titus, repented, and decided to strive for good works!

In the first lecture, Samuel J. delivered a sermon titled, "A People Called to Eager to Do What is Good", based on Titus 2." Through the Word, he explained how hewas thankful for the grace of cleansing us with the precious blood of Jesus on the cross and making us God's people who work hard to do what is good. He decided to work hard in the good work of spreading the gospel throughout the campus. He has attended Tokyo UBF every week from Tsukuba for nine years, even though it is a three-hour round trip. However, God, who called him to be a person who strives for good works, guided him and allowed him to obtain his doctorate and be hired as a faculty member at Tsukuba University. However, recently, he repented for being lazy in doing good things, while watching all the movies he wanted to and so decided to obey God's will and focus on gospel history at Tsukuba University.

In the second lecture, Ryosuke S. preached, "Devote yourselves to doing what is good" based on Titus 3. He testified that God delights and helps him in his desire to strive for good works. He became a university professor ten years ago and wanted to spread the gospel. However, it took a lot of work for him to do his doctoral studies while juggling company and family life. But when he did not give up his desire to do good, God allowed him to lecture at the university from this year onwards. It is not easy to do good deeds in Japan, where less than 1% are Christians. However, he learned that when we try to do good deeds without despairing or giving up, God sees our hearts, helps us to do these good deeds and grow, and he uses us in the work of the gospel.

Afterward Misaki T. shared her testimony. She began studying the Bible with M. Esther P. as a college student. She experienced the Word and prayer whenever she was in difficult times and decided to live by faith for the rest of her life. As she watched the missionaries' family lives, she realized how good it was to have a marriage of faith based on the Bible. She began to desire a marriage of faith earnestly. In July of this year, she formed a family of faith with Hayao T. of Osaka UBF. She prays to be used for the gospel work at Osaka University and Kyoto University by working together with Abraham N. family and loving one another.