Nigeria - Yabatech Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 07, 2011
  • 1452 reads

The Year of Reinforcement

I. New Bible students

For the last 5 years, we have been focusing on helping fellowship leaders and co-workers to grow as independent Bible teachers and disciple-makers so that through them, the ministry may grow as well. However, the growth of leaders was much slower than we expected. It seemed like they were going backwards. They seemed neither to grow nor leave. It made me feel burdened and stuck. I doubted that they could grow as independent Bible teachers and disciples-makers. But I persistently guided them to take on the 1:1 ministry absolutely over that of group Bible studies. When I demanded this of them, the ministry went back to point zero. This continued over the years, but God made me realize that I should be at the same level with them rather than demand them to reach a high standard while looking down on them. Therefore, we restarted fellowship group Bible studies on campus, which we had stopped over 4 years ago.

The fellowship leaders served the Bible study in turn while others invited students and participated in the Bible study. It started from February and ended in November. It continued even on rainy days, either under a tree or on the campus chapel grounds. During that time, many other campus fellowships had their meetings too. Sometimes it was too dark or rainy to read the Bible. But we continued in season and out of season. It helped the leaders to deny themselves constantly and have a sense of responsibility and challenging spirit to serve God’s flock of sheep, whether by visiting them, making a call, or inviting them to Bible study. In this way, they could learn endless follow up and to plant seeds of prayer. The fellowship leaders grew in understanding of the word of God. Also, all the fellowship members co-worked through serving snacks and other ways.

God blessed the Bible study until over 30 participants attended the Bible study regularly. Every Tuesday and Wednesday we carried tables, chairs, and lanterns. Later, we had to buy a mega phone so that people in the back could listen. Through these Bible studies, 11 faithful sheep attended the Bible conference and joined the 9-step Bible teacher training. They are growing as leaders of the ministry. They even stayed during the holidays in order to be raised as 9-step Bible teachers. It was the second time we could lead new Bible students through 9-step Bible teacher training after a 6-year interval.

We also had a short-term missionary, Zun Seoup Yum, who had a great impact during his 3-month stay. He invited students to Bible study with a broken and open heart. Through him, our leaders were motivated, encouraged, and even became competitive to participate in the work of God. He used to bring 6-7 Bible students and among them, took care of 3 students through 1:1 Bible study until he left. He went to school by public transportation and became friends selflessly. His shepherd life challenged our leaders greatly.

II. Growth among the leaders

Joseph’s family was quiet and seemed inactive, but they were faithful and constantly did Daily Bread and participated in meetings absolutely so that God blessed them to raise 3 students this past year. Especially, Joseph served Bible studies with deep understanding of God’s word. During our November conference, he presented a symposium with the title, “Complex,” through which all the participants could undergo self-realization. We are praying for his family to have a physical child in the coming year. Their faithful, happy, and peaceful relationship with one another makes them an influential house church.

This past year, Duke decided to undergo full-time church staff training instead of getting a job before his national youth service. He made himself available in any form as a multi-purpose staff: picking up students from campus and dropping them back, serving the team meeting every Saturday and Daily Bread meetings, cleaning, washing, and fixing things. He served any work for God’s sake selflessly, and God blessed him to raise 2 faithful Bible students even after he handed his 2 faithful Bible students to another leader. He will marry next year with Ese. Ese also took care of 2 Bible students this past year faithfully and God blessed her to raise 1 student as a remnant. Apart from them, Augustine and Tobi raised Bible students as well. The other leaders all struggled to invite students to Bible study and feed them with the word of God.

Maria had a scar on her right eye that prevented her from looking straight. It was like her “scarlet letter.” But by God’s grace and the support of Jongro and Kwanak UBF, it was removed. Through this, she restored her self-confidence and bloomed like a flower.

III. CBF and our self-supporting ministry

From the middle of the year, M. Timothy’s family and Rita served the CBF ministry. After listening to a message, the children wrote testimonies and shared them and answered some Bible questions as well. During the summer Bible conference and Christmas worship service, they did a dance. M. Timothy served them with his heart and understanding through preparing a message weekly. God is using him and his family to lay the foundation of the gospel in the hearts of the children.

God blessed M. Timothy’s family to be stable and self-supporting. Both he and his wife work in the embassy and at a school. My family on the other hand, struggled through our corn snack business and later, had to start a rice cake business to meet our needs. God sustained us through Daily Bread and through visible and invisible hands. We pray for our business to yield more profit through expanding our items to include dumplings and other Korean snacks.

IV. Direction and prayer topics for 2011

My key verse for 2010 was Gal 5:16, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” But I often fell into worries and anxiety due to the lack of improvement of my self-supporting business. I ask for God’s forgiveness for my faithlessness. I’ve chosen 2Ti 2:15 as my verse for 2011 once again: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth .”

Our prayer topics are as follows:

1. Be God-approved servants of his word through Daily Bread and message training
2. Success of the Korean snack business
3. All the fellowship leaders to become independent Bible teachers and disciple-makers
4. Duke and Ese to establish a godly family

One Word: Present yourself to God as one approved