Mongolia Report and Prayer Topics by M. Paul Kwon

  • by WMD
  • Feb 03, 2011
  • 1602 reads

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?”(James 2:14)

1. The work of God’s words.

In 2010, we studied the books of Matthew (16-28), Romans (9-16), James, and John. Thorough Bible study we especially learned about Christian ethics and practical faith in our spiritual lives. These days, Christians compromise their faith while seeking material blessings and worldly successes. It is not what Jesus wants us to do. I pray that we may keep our gospel faith by practicing and obeying the words of Jesus. On July 25, Daniel Rhee from Namsan UBF in Korea gave us a special lecture based on Esther 4. Esther was a spiritual hero who rescued the people of Israel from extermination in the midst of a crisis. God used Esther not because of her outward appearance, wealth or ability but God used her because of her faith, as she claimed, “If I perish I will perish!” Christians in Mongolia are not persecuted with imprisonment or arresting due to their faith in Jesus. However, it is not easy to keep faith under the powerful influence of Lamaism and materialism which has emerged by capitalism. It is not easy to live as a Christian with integrity and ethics and it requires the faith of Esther. How much harder then it is to raise this nation as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation? Once there were some growing leaders who were moved by messages and made decisions of faith to give their lives as missionaries to unreached minorities in Central Asia. I also repented of my laziness by making a new decision of faith for the future pioneering of Central Asia with the spirit of Esther, “If I perish, I will perish!”

2. Spring and Summer Bible Conferences

On April 16-17, a Spring Bible Conference was held by Mongolia 1 with 103 attendants. The title was “Young Man, Do Not Underestimate Yourself!” The first main message was based on Luke 15 and was delivered by Amarsanaa with the title, “The Father’s Deep Love.” Nasantogtohk delivered the second main message based on Mark 3 with the title, “Repent! The Kingdom of God is Near!” The third main message was delivered by Bayarmagnai entitled, “Young Man, Do Not Underestimate Yourself!” The final main message was on John 15 and was delivered by Sukhbaatar with the title, “Jesus is Our True Vine” During this conference, we established 5 new spiritual leaders: Usuhbayar, Munkhtuul, Sarnai, Odontuya, and Erdenetsetseg.

On April 10-11, Mongolia 2 had a Spring Bible Conference with the title, “The Salvation of Youth.” There were 69 attendants and Miigaa delivered the first main message based on Luke 7:1-14 with the title, “Young Man, Get Up!” and the second main message was spoken by Orgil based on Matthew 19:16-30 with the title, “The Way to Gain Eternal Life.” We learned that our true hope is not better economic conditions but seeking Jesus’ word and putting our hope in him. We also learn that the most important need for youth today is the salvation of their souls and not material possessions.

During this conference, sister Altanchimeg (National University of Mongolia) was raised as a spiritual leader. Before she met Jesus, she worshiped her boyfriend. In order to get his attention, she often gave gifts and even helped him to get good grades during midterm exams by giving him the answers. They drank and went to karaoke together. However, he broke up with her. She was deeply hurt. After being rejected by her boyfriend, she came to Jesus and received Matthew 12:20, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory.” After accepting these words of Jesus, her life was changed. She became bright and lively. At the Christmas party last year, she recited a beautiful poem as an offering to the baby Jesus and everybody was inspired by her beautiful poem and her hidden talent.

During Mongolia's Independence Day, Mongolia 1 had an outdoor picnic and Mongolia 2 had a conference entitled, “God’s Calling to the Youth” with 66 attendants. The first message was delivered by Miigaa with the title, “Jesus, Who Was Forsaken” based on Mark 15:1-39. The second message was spoken by Bat-Erdene entitled, “Peter’s Acceptance of Jesus’ Calling” based on Luke 5:1-11. Orgil delivered the final message, “God’s Calling to Jeremiah.” Bulgamaa, Altanzaya, and Gantsetseg shared their shepherd testimonies entitled, “Life as a Shepherd During College” and Pauline Lee and Chanhyeong Lee from Namsan UBF in Korea shared their life testimonies.

Many people think it is okay to accept God’s calling later in life. However, they do not know the reality of how hard older Christians can become. After giving their time, body and soul to serve God can eventually harden them to repent because their sins are deeply rooted. Many young people who accepted the messages at this conference acknowledged how they were blessed when they accepted God’s calling while they were young. 3. House Church and CBF ministry (Children Bible Fellowship) On July 22, we had two weeding celebrations. The two new families of Ganzorig and Oyunchimeg as well as Bayarmagnai and Nergui were established. Daniel Rhee from Korea blessed these weddings. May God bless them abundantly to advance the gospel in Mongolia and for the mission in central Asia. Every Saturday, we have a CBF worship service and Juyong, Maria, Chinzorig, Bat-itgel, Namuun, Enerel, Elberel, and Mandkhai are its main attendants. Their ages are between 5-6. CBF ministry has been served since September 19, in 2001 and Tserendavaa has been faithful serving it. We pray that our children may learn the Bible and the faith in Jesus through our CBF ministry.

3. Namsan Orchestra Team’s Visit to Mongolia.

On July 20-26, 27 orchestra members (including 12 JBF members) from Namsan UBF visited Mongolia. It was the first time we welcomed so many guests. They had three performances and the first one was at one of our weddings, the next on an outdoor grassland, and the final one was performed at our center which was so heart moving. The Namsan Orchestra prepared and practiced a lot for the concerts. They prepared various pieces, such as, Chaikovskii, Brahms, and also Mongolian folk music which made some people cry.

On Sunday, we had a soccer match between Namsan and Mongolia brothers. Each of them played hard and the score in the end was 4:4. Through the performance of the orchestra, we want to raise an orchestra in Mongolia. With this vision, some of the second generations and children of native families have been learning some instruments. We pray that eventually every second generation in our Mongolian ministry may learn at least one instrument and God may help us to raise an orchestra for God’s glory.

4. “Topical Daily bread” to be published in Mongolian.

This Daily Bread specially features 15 subjects to be done during the course of 91 days. This book will guide new Christians to learn basic elements of spiritual life and salvation. It also helps growing Christians to organize their Bible knowledge. Especially it is a great spiritual resource for the growing leaders in Mongolia. It was originally published in China by missionary Song and now it is being translated into the Mongolian language as a material for Mongolian leaders for their spiritual growth.

5. Christmas Worship Service

On December 19, Mongolia 1 and 2 had their own Christmas worship services. In Mongolia 1, Bayarmagnai delivered a message and in Mongolia 2, M. Paul Kwon delivered a message. After the Mongolia 2 service, a Christmas drama followed. In the drama, a college student, who was ignored at school due to his poverty, was robbed on the street. He met a Bible teacher and his sadness turned into great joy through the good news of the baby Jesus in a manger.

The society of Mongolia, after transition into capitalism, has been one of deep political and economic instability with a big wealth gap. In this way, the realistic drama captured all attendants’ hearts and the good news of Jesus led all to a clear vision and life direction in the midst of darkness. Jesus, who always comforts and encourages us, is the true savior and Messiah for the lost souls of Mongolia. On Christmas Eve, we had a Christmas party with delicious food which was served by each family member. We had a beautiful poem and gospel song contests. Paul and Hannah Kwon performed a violin and piano ensemble. Paul Jr. got an encore and played “Hungarian Dance” as a soloist with a big round of applause. The most meaningful highlight of this meeting was that we raised 6 new spiritual leaders (4 female and 2 male). They are Myadagmaa, Enkhee, Enkh-Uyanga, Nomin, Erdene bold, and Tsedendamba. It is a great encouragement and God’s grace to postmodern young people in Mongolia.

6. My Mission Life

My key verse in 2010 was Daniel 6:10, “Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.“

I wanted to learn Daniel’s daily prayer life. I made a prayer book which contained a list of around 40 missionaries and growing leaders and their prayer topics. I prayed with the list every day. However I was unfaithful to keep praying due to my busy schedule at the end of the year. I repent of it and challenged myself again to keep Daniel’s prayer life in this year too. I had a health issue last year. In the beginning of the year, I had a physical examination and the doctor said that my fatty liver might turn into liver cirrhosis. So he suggested that I take medication. During the summer and fall, I had severe pain due to kidney stones. I had pain throughout my body in any position, standing, lying, and sitting except in my prayer position which I hold on a chair kneeling down on the floor. I had to drink 2 liters of water every day after the urinary stone was removed. For my health, I needed to manage my body by taking medication, drinking water, and having good exercise faithfully.

My 2011 key verse is Psalms 119:147-148, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night that I may meditate on your promises.” Through my health problem and weaknesses, I realized that I need God’s help desperately. I pray that I may seek God and his words and live a life of faith.