Minsk Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 08, 2011
  • 1204 reads

''I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep'' (John 10:11).

In order to bear spiritual fruit and raise disciples of Jesus in Minsk, we took John 15:4 in 2010, which says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” One of my thanksgiving topics for 2010 is that God blessed our ministry in sending six Korean students. They have studied the gospel of Matthew and Genesis and began to write testimonies. Now, they are becoming leaders of our ministry. We thank God for these six growing students who participate actively in campus ministry. They hang out with our family all the time and serve Belarusian students.

God had mercy on us to study the Bible with Pam. and Vo. and Se.. Now Pa. and Se. regularly participate in our Sunday worship services. Last September, we began to study John’s gospel. Our prayer topics are that God may help Se. to know Jesus as his Savior and Christ. Also, all of our Bible students may learn Jesus through our John’s gospel Bible study and grow as leaders who each take care of one student.

We participated in the summer conference in Kiev with a few Korean students and my children. Especially Ly. and Sa. had spiritual fellowship with the Kiev UBF leaders. They were greatly encouraged and learned how to serve campus ministry. I was grateful to learn their faith and sacrificial lives in Kiev. Last November, there was a Bible school in Moscow with many students. Elizabeth served Kon. with prayer for many years. He delivered a message, "The Agony of Nicodemus" on John 3. Bic. shared her life-testimony and Maly. served a special song. We are especially grateful to God for Gym., Ran. and Pa.’s life-testimonies.

We thank God for sister Gym. and Ran.’s testimonies. They began Bible study at Minsk UBF and met Jesus personally. We pray that they can decide to participate in campus minister. Pa. came from Nigeria and is now a freshman at BSU. Although she has gone to church since childhood, she did not know Jesus personally. After meeting Jesus through Bible study in Minsk, she invited Xe. to our Bible school. Now she is praying to study the Bible with Xe. even though Xe. speaks a different language. We thank God for Se. After the Bible school, he began to study the Bible and participate in worship.

On December 24, we had our Christmas worship service. The title was, "A Savior is Born to You!" We prepared for Christmas by studying Luke’s gospel and writing reflections. Ran. prepared worship and the Christmas skit. Hannah O. shared her life testimony. Even though it was hard for students to come to the service during their midterms, Se. prepared the worship service with pictures and participated in worship and the skit. God accepted our prayers and granted us 20 people at the Christmas worship service. We thank God for sending new students—Cy., Nas. and Kat. Now we pray for them to study the Bible. We praise and thank God for what He has done at Minsk UBF in 2010. We pray that God may be with the six Korean students who are with us as well as Se. and Pam., that they may grow to be coworkers in Christ in 2011.

In 2010, nothing much has changed in our we are a self-supporting ministry. Paul works at a Korean resturaunt, and Hannah works as an instructor. Now we pray that we may work with Luke K. from Moscow. Paul also went back to graduate school and began studying science, something he couldn't do living as a missionary since 1998. Please pray for M. Paul and Hannah, that God may provide everything neccessary for them to study and live and serve the Gospel and campus ministry in Minsk.

Minsk UBF took John 10:11 as their New Year's verse; "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. " According to this verse, we pray that we may earnestly learn from Jesus and become good shepherds for one lost lamb through our study of the Gospel of John.

Prayer Topics:

1.To learn about Jesus and become good shepherds through our study of the Gospel of          John.
2. That the Korean students may become coworkers in the Gospel, and together we may conduct an independent Bible conference in Minsk.
3. For Se. to be born again in the Gospel of Jesus, and for Pam. to continue to be a good friend and shepherd for Xe.
4. The health of the missionary Hannah, and for independent software and study of m. Paul

One word: The good shepherd Jesus Christ