(GERMANY) M. Maria J. joined Bonn City UBF in January 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 27, 2023
  • 1226 reads

by Maria J. & Joachim D.

M. Maria J. was accepted as a new member of Bonn City UBF in January 2023. Bonn City UBF coworkers pray for her house church and nice cooperation to spread the gospel among the Bonn students. Below is news from M. Maria J. about her doctoral dissertation: 

I thank God that He called me, a self-centered sinner, to be a Bible teacher for the German students and has guided me for His good to this day. He allowed me to do my doctorate at the University of Cologne with one-sided grace. Twice I wanted to stop my work. But God's words from 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 and Luke 5:4 helped me rise from my unbelief so that God's wisdom would be revealed through this work alone. The theme of my dissertation is: "What food do you miss when you return to your old homeland after a long stay in a foreign country? And what emotions are involved?"

My prayer topics are:

1) To renew my lukewarm heart to God's calling and now through my continued missionary life to glorify God.

2) To hold God's Word from Psalm 101:2 and build a loving house church with my humorous coworker, M. Isaak J.