M. Joseph's Brazil Mission Report and Testimony

  • by WMD
  • Feb 05, 2011
  • 1132 reads

John15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

I. God forgave me of my sins

I was born as the second son among six siblings in 1955. When I was born, my family's financial situation was not bad. But from 1964, when we moved to Seoul, my family began to suffer from financial problems. My parents had to work hard to feed and support six children. Because of my family's financial problem, I had to give up going to middle school. Instead, in order to support my family, I took jobs as a newspaper delivery man, factory worker, and school doorman while I studied on my own at home. Finally, I passed the qualification exam for college.

In 1976, I entered the military service and was unfortunately deployed to the forefront, which was the most difficult work. In my trials, I questioned my life and read the Bible, but concluded that Jesus was just one from among great men like Dr. Schweitzer. But I just wanted to imitate Jesus’ beautiful life and live up to the age of 33 as he did.

In 1982, I entered the Univ. of Sungunkwan (Industrial Psychology). But I squandered my college life like the prodigal son in the Bible. My school grades were so low that I had to take three subjects again. God knew my desperate situation and led me to UBF Bible study. I enjoyed Genesis Bible study and came to know the Creator God personally and about the meaning and purpose of my life.

In Nov. 1986, though I didn't deserve it, God heard the earnest prayers of many servants of God like Samuel and Yoonsook and fellowship co-workers, and by God's grace, I passed the examination to become a city officer in Seoul. God blessed me to attend the 1987 UBF Summer Bible conference at Chilam Mountain. Through the conference, the word of God came into my heart deeply from Isaiah 53:4-6, "Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows...." When I confessed my sins with sincere repentance before God depending on Mt 9:2, “Son, your sins are forgiven,” God set me free from my guilty conscience. This experience is the most valuable thing to me than anything else in the world. Full of thanksgiving, I invited my youngest sister and many students from the Univ. of Sungkunkwan to UBF Bible study.

In Sept. 1987, God also blessed me to establish a house church with a woman of faith, Youngsoon, though I was undeserving and blessed us with one precious son and daughter.

When I was enjoying God's blessings and a secure life, God called me to go to a new mission field - Brazil - through Paulus. With prayer, I made a decision to obey God’s calling as a missionary. In two weeks, my family left for Brazil, leaving behind my city officer job and my secure life in Korea.

Ⅱ. My mission life in Brazil

When I was sent as a missionary, I felt I could do nothing because I never learned Portuguese, and I did not know anything about the culture of Brazil and was lacking in Bible knowledge. To me, it seemed to be a reckless challenge. Even more, my mother took all of the retirement money from my job in Korea, except for one month's worth of rent for my family. I trembled because of my uncertain future and wondered whether I should stay or go back to Korea. For this reason, I had to cry out to God earnestly for mercy. M. Elijah, the director of Brazil, and all the missionaries there encouraged me to have faith in God and urged me to join early morning prayer at 5am every day. There, all the families gathered together and had an earnest united prayer meeting to invite new students, master the language, get a green card, be self-supporting, and pray for their children's education, Through this early morning prayer, I could come near to God with a broken and contrite heart. God heard my earnest prayer and opened a way for me to support my family. M. Paolo introduced my wife to a clothing company and she was hired as a saleswoman. I was also hired as a Korean school teacher.

In 2001, I had to face the unexpected news that my wife was pregnant at the age of 45. I trembled due to a lot of anxieties over my wife's health and the baby’s health because of her age. In addition, I worried about my house expenses since my wife wouldn't be able to work for at least three months. But God already prepared all necessary things for us. He led her to the best hospital. USP, near my home without payment and led both her and the baby to have good health. Also, unexpectedly I received material support from my mother-in-law and many other necessary things for my baby from many servants of God in Brazil.

In 2010, God abundantly blessed us to purchase a used car and to pay off our children Isaac's and Sarah's school tuition. He also provided for the travel expenses of my five family members to attend the South International Bible Conference in Bolivia last August.

Through my youngest daughter Rebecca's birth, I realized that God is the Sovereign Lord who rules over our lives and who is shepherding his people like the apple of his eye. Recently, I made a decision not to put my hope in this world, but to willingly give my life to God remembering how God had miraculously saved my life two times from a car collision and from committing suicide. We have also been having a brief worship service at home every Sunday night, sharing our thanksgiving and prayer topics with each other and becoming one in God‘s love.

Ⅲ Brazil mission report

The mission work in Brazil began through M. Elijah and Joy in 1992 through the pioneering of the University of Sao Paulo, which is one of the top universities in South America. There the number of new students that enter every year is 10,000.

At present, there are 8 families and we are pioneering 3 ministries, the Univ of Sao Paulo (4 families), Mackenzie (2 families), and Campinas (2 families). The number of second generations is 22. Among them there are 4 college students, 4 preparing for college, and the rest are between kindergarten and high school. There are also many students who come and go to Bible study. They are handsome, beautiful, and powerful, but they are suffering from their sin problems. But Jesus our Lord came to die on the cross for sinners like me and came to save and love Brazil campus souls and all kinds of sinners. Sisters Ziany and Ataiana and one brother from Bolivia have been faithfully attending our worship service. At Mackenzie UBF, Diego and Kafael are growing.

The Brazil UBF 2011 Summer Conference will be held from Jan. 21-25. We pray to raise 3 messengers as main speakers among the second generation college students (Isaac Moses, and Joshua). They are Univ of Sao Paulo students and good prayer co-workers of our ministry, and recently, they invited 10 students to the Bible house to study the Bible and served them food. Our 2011 summer Bible conference may be a historical turning point in the mission work at Brazil.

When I look back on the 12 years of my mission life in Brazil, I see that I made so many mistakes and transgressions before God, but I thank and praise God because in all things God has worked for our good. I also thank God for many servants of God who have been supporting my family through prayer. I thank God for blessing my family to serve Mackenzie campus souls, allowing me to have prayer time on the campus every morning since my daughter Rebecca transferred to Mackenzie elementary school. We thank God for sending two law school students, Diego and Rafael, who both have a desire for Jesus. We pray that God may bless them to come to know Christ personally and grow in Jesus and as his disciples. In order to master Portuguese, we registered for a language course. Please pray for us to master Portuguese.

I thank God for enabling us to remain in Jesus the true vine. We earnestly pray that we may grow in Jesus the true vine and be pruned so that we can bear much fruit for Jesus' name's sake.

Brazil Prayer topics:

1. 2011 summer conference (Jan. 21-25)
- Three second generation messengers and the program
- Invite 20 new students (one per leader)
2. Ziany's and Ataiana's house churches
3. 1:1 ministry and four second generations to enter college

Personal Prayer topics:

- Deliver Sunday messages
- Become an excellent 1:1 Bible teacher through mastering the language
- Sarah to enter medical school (state or federal university)