(KOREA-VIDEO) Korea UBF Held a Regional World Mission Report Titled "Young Man Will See Visions" from April 19-21, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 21, 2023
  • 710 reads

by John S.

"Young Men, See Visions"

Korea UBF held their World Mission Report, titled "Young Men, See Visions" at Kwangju UBF (4/19), Inje UBF (4/20), and The Korean Church Centennial Memorial Building in Jongno, Seoul, Korea (4/21). P. Ron W. delivered a powerful message based on Acts 2:17 '“ ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.'" His message encouraged all attendants to see God's vision through the presence of the Holy Spirit and serve God's mission powerfully. After the message, four mission reports were presented by; Luke & Pauline M., John S. (Chicago), and Wesley J. (Lehigh), and one life testimony by Hannah K. (Jeongneung, Korea. We praised the Lord with a beautiful chorus and an excellent violin duet. P. Moses K., the Korea UBF director, encouraged Korea UBF members to join the ISBC 2023, see the glory of Christ, and be renewed to live for the glory of God. Around 600 people assisted in person in Seoul, and over 600 people watched it through YouTube. We greatly appreciate the full support of Korea UBF for ISBC 2023. May God bless ISBC 2023 with His Holy Spirit and the word of God!

This event was live-streamed. You can watch the recorded video below with English subtitles: