Kingston UBF Mission Report, United Kingdom

  • by WMD
  • Feb 06, 2011
  • 1355 reads

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”(Mark 11:24)

I thank you that the living God has accompanied us whom are weak and led us with his grace last year. Through the 2010 European directors’ conference, God gave me the word of Romans chapter 1 and Galatians chapter 5 and helped me to begin a new year, not to be ashamed of the gospel and to be ruled by the Holy Spirit abundantly.

But it was not easy to serve God’s ministry to do mini-cab driving and B & B business because of the high living cost and a bad economical situation and I was exhausted a lot due to the continuous struggle inwardly and outwardly. However, God always gave us his grace and guided us to be used for his redemptive work by giving us his power and strength.

Josephine was helped by studying the Bible diligently and attending our Sunday service sincerely for six years. And she is finding herself gradually doing work at a hospital and is learning Jesus, who wants to have a personal loving relationship with her. May God help her to meet Jesus as her personal saviour and be borne again to be used for God’s ministry. Gillian was graduated from Kingston University and is studying a MA course at the City University. She has been studying the Bible for 3 years but not studying the Bible now because of her study, yet we still pray that the Holy Spirit may work in her powerfully and help her to love Jesus more and be used for God’s work. And thank God that we continue to pray for Andrew and Chino’s family and call them to talk and meet them not to lose and maintain a loving relationship. May the Holy Spirit help them to be restored and be used preciously for the ministry of God. Even though we didn’t have new bible students to serve last year but we thank God that he allowed us to pray and serve Josephine, Gillian and Andrew & Chino’s family. And the loving God protected David Jr. who is my son given by grace like his eyes and blessed him to grow in faith and wisdom. May God continue to bless him to enter the most suitable secondary school and grow to be used as a spiritual shepherd and bible teacher for the intellectuals in U.K. campuses.

Thank you that our gracious God led us sincerely and used our family who is ineligible as co-works for the U.K. ministry last year. May God help us to be deeper and stronger in his grace and love to serve and co-work the Lord’s ministry.

* Thanks giving topics

European UBF Directors’ Conference 2011 January 13-15, 2011 • Vienna, Austria 87 Spiritual Revival at Mizpah

1. For John’s gospel & Roman’s study and the work of the word for each conference.
2. For helping self-supporting by doing mini-cab & BNB business although we were in a materially difficult situation
3. For having a loving relationship with Josephine, Gillian, Andrew&Chino’s family in bible study and prayer in God’s grace and vision.
4. For David Jr.’s spiritual growth to see the vision of God’s ministry in the future.
5. For prayer and practical support from many shepherd and co-works in different chapter.

* Prayer topics

1. For having the word to be a clear direction and Joshua’s bible study
2. For raising up 1 AB & Sarah of faith and 12 disciples of Jesus to join in pioneering 100 universities and raising 10,000 bible teachers.
3. For setting up a strong foundation of the self-supporting ministry to participate in the world mission.
4. For the growing and restoring of Josephine, Gillian and Andrew&Chino’s family to be used in God.
5. For David Jr.’s growth in humility and obedience and entering the most suitable secondary school.