(USA) Jim & Helen R. Representing North American Elders Visited Texas UBF from November 18-22, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 30, 2023
  • 437 reads

by Jim R. (President of NA Elder)

Texas UBF Visiting Report

Helen and I visited the Houston and Arlington UBF ministries from November 18-22, 2023.  There were a couple of reasons for this visit. First, since I became the President of the UBF North American Board of Elders, we decided to try to visit one chapter per month, to learn prayer topics and encourage coworkers around North America. Second, we have wanted to visit Missionaries Joshua and Gloria C. for many years, as they were my (Jim’s) original shepherds in Milwaukee UBF.  They cared for me with all their heart for three years, even allowing me to live with them for more than one year.  I owe all I am in Christ to them.

Helen and I flew to Houston on Saturday, November 18th, and stayed at a hotel in Galveston, TX.  On Sunday morning, we drove (renting a car) to Katy, TX, where Paul and Danielle J. live. We joined the Sunday Worship service there and the message was delivered by Missionary Bunyan B., a visiting researcher from Korea. He gave a heart-moving message in Psalm 30.  He focused on how God helps us in our roller-coaster life.  He gave three “T’s” to remember:  1-Think about God; 2-Trust God; 3-Thank God.  We were all moved by his message and delivery. 

From my visit, I realized how important Houston UBF is. Houston is the 4th largest city in the U.S. Missionary Paul’s family there is like a mustard seed of the kingdom of God. I was not aware but he has a Master of Theology (Th.M) from Dallas Theological Seminary.  He is now a full-time servant of God. We have been praying for full-time gospel workers in North America, and one is already serving in Houston.  We pray God blesses their ministry, and Houston UBF can be a power source for pioneering all Texas and all Southwestern U.S. campus ministries. They pray God may send more coworkers to Houston. 

On Monday, Helen and I flew to Arlington and were met by Missionaries Joshua and Gloria C..  Missionary Joshua has retired from teaching at the University of Texas Arlington and now studies the Bible and serves Arlington UBF full-time.  Missionary Gloria has also retired from nursing. Like Houston, Arlington UBF is served at the home of the missionary there.  It is a literal house church.  They bought the house from a physical who had the house built for his practice.  He created a large room for a waiting room, which is perfect for holding a worship service of about 30 people.  It is truly God’s grace to prepare this space, and the house has been used for God’s ministry for the last 30 years. 

On Tuesday, we met for dinner and fellowship, and around 25 people arrived. We began the program with hymn singing.  Then I delivered the message and Helen shared her life testimony.  At the meeting we were especially moved by one precious Bible student, Kimberly O.  She is a 28 y/o nurse who has been studying the Bible for 8 years with Missionary Gloria.  In that time, she has grown from a sheep to a precious coworker.  She brought her brother Jose to Bible study, and now he too is a coworker, a 26 y/o handsome young man working as a civil engineer.  Together their family brought 15-20 people to this special meeting.  Both are praying to marry and we promised to pray for them, and through them all Arlington UBF, and all of Texas.

Praise God who blessed our short visit to Texas. May God bless and grow his precious work in Houston and Arlington.  May God raise many coworkers who can shepherd the large state of Texas with the gospel.

*You can read a related article on vising ministry of NA elders; https://ubf.org/articledetail/17894

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