(SOUTH SUDAN) God is Working in South Sudan: Visit Report by M. Andrew K. October 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 29, 2023
  • 248 reads

by Andrew K.

M. Andrew K. visited South Sudan at the end of October. Please read his mission report below and pray for God's ministry in South Sudan.

Every year, the moment I arrive at the airport in South Sudan and turn on my cell phone, I see a text message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea, "South Sudan is a country with a level 3 travel alert (advised departure), so please cancel or postpone your trip if it is not for essential business." However, I had an essential business there, so I ignored it and went. For reference, the Korean army, "Hanbit," is stationed as a UN peacekeeping force in a province 150 kilometers away from the capital.

The 2023 South Sudan Fall Bible Conference prepared messages based on the 2023 ISBC in the USA. The title of the conference is "The Glory of God." The key verse is John 1:14: "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

I. The conference report
The conference began at the Multiple Training Center, which belongs to the Ministry of Labor, with an opening message from Padiet D.. It seems very difficult to reveal the glory of God in this dark world where war, oppression, corruption, and poverty are constant due to human sins. However, the conference was a precious time to seek and learn the glory of God through the Words of God. In particular, it was a time to repent of their sins, obey the Word, and make decisions to live for the glory of God.
Winnie, a co-worker of Naimaddin, wanted to divorce due to cultural differences and conflicts with her husband's family, who were of a different tribe. It was difficult to understand and adapt to the culture and customs of another tribe. She left her husband and children and moved to her parents' home. However, she began to struggle as she listened to the UBF leaders' prayers, encouragement, and advice through the Word of God. Through John chapter 10, she learned that if a sheep listens to the voice of a thief, it can go down the path of death, but if it listens to the shepherd's voice, it can go down the life path. And she decided to listen to the voices of advice from shepherds in the UBF center. Through the Word of God, she confessed and repented her selfishness with tears. She left her parents' house, where she had lived alone for six months, returned home to her family, and had a new start.

Rejoice Michael is a most faithful junior leader. She said that she lived a helpless life like a sick person, complaining about the world and despairing of her life due to her severe poverty after her Father passed away. However, by the grace of God, after attending the UBF conference and the one-to-one Bible study faithfully with Johnson D., she was transformed. Now, she delivered a message with tears, praising Jesus for allowing her to live a meaningful life as a shepherdess who helps her sheep with the Word of God and giving thanks for being able to reveal the glory of God.

Fifty adults and about twenty children attended the conference. In particular, Nixon from Kenya and James from Uganda participated in the conference as representatives of neighboring countries for encouragement and gave precious life testimonies. Previously, there was no conference venue in Juba, so they used a costly place of a Catholic church in the suburbs. This year, they founded a training center under the Ministry of Labor built by JAICA. However, because the facility was not ready, they hired a man to paint, install lamps and ceiling pens, and prepare the facility themselves. Due to this, many unexpected expenses were incurred, so they negotiated for a refund.

II. Our leaders' life situation
I was grateful that the electricity supply in downtown had improved significantly. As the number of cars increases, there are always traffic jams. And fuel supply and security are improving slightly. The environment in Juba is gradually improving, helped by foreign aid, such as support from JAICA and China. However, outside of Juba, there still needs to be development and water facilities in the entire country, including Juba. Above all, they are suffering because of the shortage of food supply in the refugee camps because large numbers of refugees have come to South Sudan due to the civil war in Sudan.

Padiet D., Philip A., and Winnie, who work at foreign companies, are economically better. But Oyor M. and Johnson D., who work under the government of South Sudan, have a poor situation because the government didn't pay their salary for many months. Padiet D., an executive at a Chinese oil company, lives a relatively much better life.

III. Thanksgiving topics
First, I am thankful that the senior shepherds have a good spiritual influence on the sheep through their faith and sacrificial life. They are united with the spiritual order because of the senior shepherds' good example.

Second, I am thankful to see their independent spirit without foreign missionaries. A few months ago, Boulis' eldest son was in critical condition, bleeding. Then, the South Sudan center supported 1,000 USD for his mother and son's air tickets and treatment in Khartoum, Sudan, which has better medical services than South Sudan.
Since the center building was old, many floor tiles cracked and fell in places, requiring repairs. All the building materials are costly because all of them are imported. However, they purchased and repaired it by themselves. I am grateful to see their spiritual and financial independence without asking anyone for help, though many members do not offer due to financial difficulties.

Third, I am thankful that some junior leaders, Rejoice M., Winnie, and Johnson D., a police officer, were growing steadily little by little.

IV. Prayer topics
First, we pray for new leaders. Since the number of junior leaders is small, the new leaders need to be raised. For this, they pray to faithfully have a one-to-one Bible study with new sheep. They don't make one-to-one relationships with new members who attend Sunday worship service and send them away. So they pray that all leaders may become faithful shepherds by helping the sheep who come to the center. They plan to hold leaders' training workshops for their spiritual growth and sense of mission next year. All of our leaders are busy with their work lives daily. It seems hard to come to the center after work and care for the sheep under the poor public transportation and security. I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit strengthens them and helps them to live successful spiritual lives every day.

Second, Dr. Oyor M. needs to be ordained as a pastor. He completed his Masters of Divinty at an Evangelical Reformed Theological School in Cairo as one of the best in the Middle East. However, he has not yet been ordained as a pastor. There are not many theological schools in the Middle East and Africa. Students come from various churches to study and return to their churches after the study, and they have a pastor ordination ceremony in their denomination. Since there is no denomination in UBF in Africa, we have to do it differently. Considering this situation, the South Sudanese church denomination holds pastoral ordination ceremonies for overseas organizations and churches. When UBF Headquarters sends a letter of request to the South Sudan Presbyterian church to ordain Oyor M. on behalf of UBF, the denomination's committee can accept the request, and the church here can ordain Oyor M. as a UBF and Presbyterian pastor. This is the best way for Dr. Oyor to become a pastor recognized by UBF and, simultaneously, by the Presbyterian Church in South Sudan. It can be a good influence and helpful for our ministry in South Sudan and Africa.

Additionally, Dr. Oyor M's. Master of Divinity degree is so prestigious that he is qualified to lecture at all theological schools in South Sudan as a lecturer. Several pastors in the local Presbyterian churches graduated from the theological school where Dr. Oyor M. studied, most of whom are bachelor's degree graduates. We pray that Dr. Oyor M. will have another job as a future lecturer at the Theological School. It can significantly influence our ministry in South Sudan and Africa. They said that the pastor ordination ceremony can be held at the general assembly that will be held in May 2024.

Third, Padiet D. and several leaders hope to study at theological schools. I pray that South Sudan UBF is to be promoted from an amateur Christian activity to a professional level and has a good influence in South Sudan and Africa.

Fourth, we are praying for the second generation. We pray for Dr. Oyor M.'s second daughter, Hannah, for her house church. Msn. Daniel Hyun Gyu P. from Germany UBF is helping brother Emmanuel, who will establish a house church with her in Germany. There are many obstacles and difficulties in their wedding plans. However, we pray that God may lead them in the best way according to his divine will. Padiet D.'s eldest daughter, Hannah, is taking the university entrance exam this month. She is faithfully attending Bible study meetings and growing as a future shepherdess. Many international students have recently come to study in the universities in Korea. I think it would be nice if some of the children of African shepherds could also receive such benefits by studying in Korea. It will bless our leaders who dedicate their lives to God in poor situations and greatly help their campus mission while many young Africans immigrate to Western countries for their future lives.

Whenever I see our leaders struggling to keep their faith and mission in a harsh place, I feel grateful and sorry. However, I pray that their self-independent faith continually grows in any circumstances. I trust in God's goodwill and help, who guides them and controls all situations. Amen.