(Finland) Finland Pioneering Ministry

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jul 18, 2023
  • 597 reads

by Elijah P.

1. M. Lukas & Lydia K. arrived in Helsinki on the 27th of July in 2018. Since then they have been attending Sunday worship services every Sunday except for a few trips to Germany and Korea. When the corona crisis occurred, they started to study the whole Bible, and are now studying 2 Samuel (2 Sam 13/14 in the upcoming service), and hope to study up to 1 Kings this year.

2. M. Lukas K. and missionary Lydia finished a year-long state-supported language course in February this year and have been working there since. M. Lukas K. has been preparing to enter retirement age and has worked as a volunteer since last autumn.

3. Universities Pioneering Ministry:
Helsinki and its two neighboring cities are home to a number of important universities (all national universities), including Helsinki University (3,300 students) and its separate technical, business, and civil service colleges. Alto University of Nature, Technology, and Engineering is located on the border between Helsinki and Espoo (23,000 students). Finland UBF Ministry is mainly based at the University of Helsinki.

Key verses: Romans 15:5-6, "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. "

Prayer Topics:
1. Deepened our Bible studies of the historical part of the Old Testament during the whole year.
2. Cooperation in Europe and intercession.
3. Finnish Bible study and Sunday worship service, deepening our spiritual relationship with the entrusted people.
4. M. Lydia Pension testifying and beginning of our Volunteer work at the School and our health.