El Salvador Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 20, 2011
  • 913 reads

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

We took 2 Timothy 2:15 as our 2010 key verse. We wanted to struggle to be God’s good servants, and grow as approved workers for God. God has been faithful to us. Throughout the whole year, he fed us with his word: Acts, Hebrews, 1 Timothy. I thank God for this amazing grace.

In the beginning of 2010 Msn Pablo Star Oh’s family had to go back to Korea, after having completed his duties as a Korean Ambassador to El Salvador. They have been with us for three years, and during that period of time we learned his family’s heart for God’s work. They also fed us with group Bible study. We truly thank God for this family. When they left, we were saddened, but we quickly realized that God wanted to use them in a new chapter. From then on, we prayed that, if it is God’s will, Msn Pablo and his family may be sent to Spain as an ambassador family.

Before Msn Pablo left, God raised 3 shepherds. They have been very faithful thus far, even when they had to fight against many temptations. Sh. Juan Carlos experienced God’s power through 1:1 Bible study with Msn Pablo. He was a wanderer, with many bad friends. But amazingly by God’s grace, he moved away from them to start his walk with Jesus. Now he is struggling to finish his studies and to overcome all temptations.

Sh. Aida and Seneyda finished their studies, and are now lawyers. But Sh. Aida still could not find a job. However, she was not discouraged and continues to go to the campus to invite students to Bible study.

Sh. Seneyda received a job by God’s grace through Msn Pablo. After work, she visits the campus to fish. We pray that God may guide them both, and grant them suitable helpers.

We had our Easter conference from April 2 to 4, in a beautiful place near two volcanoes. 10 people attended this conference, with Dr. Jose Ahn as a special guest.

After this, we prepared for the Latin American Conference in Mexico. Shepherds and sheep saved money from the beginning of the year to pay their tickets and registration fees. By God’s grace, 8 people from El Salvador attended the conference.

I truly thank God for the genuine struggle of our shepherds and sheep who attended the conference. After this, we shared our testimonies, and I could see that God had worked mightily in their hearts. They were very encouraged, and from then on they faithfully kept the Bible studies and the Sunday services. More than anything, I thank God for the shepherds who struggled to share the gospel as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.  As a result, at the end of 2010 God sent us new sheep. Sh. Juan Carlos brought his classmate Alex, a very joyful student. Sh. Seneyda is helping her sister Engie. They both kept the Sunday services faithfully. Furthermore, God blessed the fishing ministry and new students have been coming, like Norma, Azucena, Marielos, Yaqueline, Nahum and Ivan. They are faithful to Bible studies, even though they still don’t come to the worship service.

Msn. Pablo’s family left, but amazingly God sent us new coworkers in September. Through this, I could see God’s love and grace for us. God sent Msn. Daniel and Ana Park’s family, and they have been a great encouragement. Even though they still do not speak Spanish fluently, they struggle hard to master it. And when the students come, they welcome them with a big smile and with tasty fruits and snacks. I thank God for them.

We held our special Christmas service on December 19th, and God sent us nineteen attendants. Thank God for each one of the shepherds and even students like Alex, Engie and Isaac, who co-worked so well to prepare the entire program. M Daniel, Ana and Isaac delighted us with beautiful praise songs. Through this we could establish a small orchestra in our ministry, with the hope of growing little by little. I thank God for my son, Isaac, who took initiative with this. He is now teaching music to the three shepherds, and to Alex and Engie. I thank God for all this and for his faithfulness and love. Despite my many shortcomings, he gave me his grace and helped me to see that he is the one who does and guides his own history.

I deeply thank God for my family. He provided us with everything we need to serve his work. Thank God for allowing Msn Edith to be healthy, always giving her the strength and the word to serve the students. I thank God for Isaac my son, who is growing healthier. He is still underweight, but he is eating better. He also has been a good sheep and excellent coworker. I pray God may help him to grow as an excellent servant in God’s history.

Prayer topics:

1.    To double our ministry in this year.

2.    To establish 12 disciples of Jesus

3.    20 1:1 Bible studies and 15 SWS attendants

4.    Powerful word of God in each SWS, by Msn. Isidro

5.    For Msn. Daniel Park’s family to master Spanish

6.    Establish at least one house church

7.    To solve the financial problem and get the permanent residency in this year

8.    To get another job, if it’s God’s will

One word: I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service.
