(El SALVADOR) El Salvador had A Hybrid Easter Conference on April 7th, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 25, 2023
  • 533 reads

by M.Isidro

The conference was face-to-face and via Zoom, it began Friday, April 7 with the message ‘Jesus is the bread of life ‘ based on John 6:25-40, and we conclude with prayer and sharing what we have learned. On Saturday we begin with the parable of the ten virgins based on Matthew 25:1-13 and also we had the message of the widow of Nain based on Luke 7:11-17 and we concluded by sharing testimony and a play.

On Sunday we begin with the group study and the message of the cross based on John 19: 16-42, then we had the message of the resurrection based on Luke 24: 1-35, ending the conference with a dance. Thanks to God who allowed us to be in his presence, we felt very happy and overjoyed to share the word of God with a new bible student named Daniel, who was invited by Pastor Verónica. A total of 12 adults and 3 children attended the conference. We pray that God may bless the world mission and fill us with the Holy Spirit to do his will.

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