Dominican Republic Mission Report 2010

  • by WMD
  • Feb 25, 2011
  • 940 reads

Thank you Heavenly Father, because you have been patient with me and you have let me have my family with me to serve in Dominican Republic UBF. I pray that in your grace I may keep serving you with love in Christ for the work of salvation among college students. Amen.

I. I received the Lord’s grace and he helped me with patience

My key verse for 2010 was James 5:8, “You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” This word helped me to have patience in my mission life through keeping my heart in Jesus. At Easter I received M. Joseph Ahn to check my message for the Latin American Conference. Through this, we celebrated the first Easter Conference. M. Joseph Ahn served a message and I served the message of the Samaritan woman. We also sang songs and prayed for the conference and the work of God in Dominican Republic. By God’s grace I participated in the Latin American Conference. Before going, I received training as a messenger memorizing the message. This was hard for me, but I received grace through the training. At this conference, I regretted a lot that no sheep could leave their jobs to attend. In spite of it, we kept giving 1:1 Bible studies. I pray that I may be strengthened by God’s word.

After the Latin American Conference, I stayed in Guadalajara so M. Isabel may get her college degree. On September 9th, by God’s grace, M. Isabel, my daughter Eunice and I landed together in Santo Domingo.

The first Sunday we served the worship service in the gardens of Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD – Autonomous University of Santo Domingo) through the word of Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This word gave us vision to have a mission life depending on God’s power. Since then M. Isabel and I started praying at the university in the morning. With God’s help, now we live in a service room that a landlord lent to us. For us, this is like God’s manger work with three in a room.

Sometimes Eunice gets a fever. Because of some problems with my back, I went to a chiropractor, and then had some kidney tests, but these were negative. M. Isabel has hypothyroidism which lowers her pressure, so she has to take a lot of care. Now, by God’s grace, she is waiting for another child. We pray that she may have good health.

II. 1:1 Bible study and Sunday Worship Service

Nowadays I am serving two sheep each week. I study 1:1 with Leonardy (Chemical Engineering) and Martin (Medic School). M. Isabel has problems to serve Bible study because she does not have someone that can take care of Eunice. In spite of this, she had some sheep last semester. Now, by God’s grace, there is someone that can take care of Eunice. Since we are together in Santo Domingo, we have been serving the Sunday Worship Service at the gardens of UASD, with the Gospel of Luke. Each time we serve Worship Service, we invite new students who go to school to take a test. Some accept to attend; others reject us. Our prayer was not in vain, for Martin and Leonardy have participated several times in Worship Service.

By God’s grace, on December 12, we served Christmas Service in the gardens of UASD. We served with the word of Luke 1:31, “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” We received God’s grace through Mary who was used preciously to conceive the Son of God, and we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior. We received the grace of being used in the work of salvation. M. Isabel and Martin did a small play. M. Isabel and I sang a special song, “Silent Night.” At the Christmas Worship Service those who attended were Martin (Medical School), Leonardy (Chemical Engineering) and Francis (Graphic Design). They received grace from the message.

I am working as a vender near UASD. I have been able to pay rent and food. We had to leave a cheap apartment because the owner did not want to rent it to us because we have a small girl. Now, by God’s grace, my family and I are living in a borrowed service room. This has been helping us to pay our expenses and medicine. M. Isabel is doing cleaning of the apartments and the halls. While there are classes at UASD, God has provided food through UASD’s cafeteria. This is like manna that God gives us each day, and on Saturday he gives us double to eat on Sunday. We have been able to share with the sheep that participate on Worship Service.

Grateful topics

  1. For Ester Conference for the first time with M. Joseph Ahn.
  2. For letting me keep serving 1:1 Bible study with Leonardy and now with Martin too.
  3. For letting me serve a messenger at the Latin American Conference in Mexico.
  4. Because my wife and daughter are in Dominican Republic and we established a house-church.
  5. For feeding us.
  6. For God’s servants, our brothers of Guadalajara UBF, that we have been helping us to serve Dominican Republic through their prayers and offerings.
  7. For He let us have enough money and the documentation to start M. Isabel and Eunice’s residency visa.

Vision for 2011

My key verse for 2011 is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” This 2010 I was busy with the economic problem of my family, because of self-finance and my health. Because of these I was always sick, and with the face of coal seller, nervous and very serious. With this word I understand that God wants me to rejoice always in Christ giving thanks to God in all circumstances. Especially thinking in all that Christ has done for my family and me. I pray that in this 2011, I may rejoice always serving God and giving thanks in all circumstances, and praying continuously. Amen.

Prayer topics for 2011

  1. Prepare message with meditation and prayer.
  2. Establish an Abraham and a Sarah of faith.
  3. To have an apartment to establish my house-church with M. Isabel and Eunice near UASD.
  4. For M. Isabel’s health (Thyroids and pregnancy).
  5. Establish 12 disciples of Jesus until 2012.
  6. To have my own business.
  7. Be a self-supporting missionary.

Other prayer topics

  1. That God may give me wisdom, intelligence, good health to serve my family and to stay in Dominican Republic.
  2. For Bible study with Leonardy and Martin and that they may be established as Jesus’ disciples.

Personal direction for 2011 for the director’s spiritual growth

  1. To learn 3 verses each week.
  2. To read the whole Bible this year.
  3. Morning prayer.

One word: Rejoice always and pray continuously.

M. Jorge Antonio
