(USA-VIDEO) Chicago HBF held an Easter Retreat from April 7-8, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 25, 2023
  • 578 reads

by Steven & Yvonne L.

By His Wounds, We are Healed

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5). 
On April 7-8, Chicago HBF held an Easter Retreat at the Leningrad House with 21 attendants. The title was "By His Wounds We are Healed", based on Isaiah 53:5. There were 3 messages on Isaiah 52:13-53:12, delivered by high school seniors Joshua J., Jr., Daniel M., and Esther K. There were also group Bible studies led by juniors Andrew A., Hannah A., Sammy S., Nehemiah K., and Jane K. Sophomore and freshman students were the presiders and prayer servants. In addition, students competed in memorizing the ESV version of the passage, and Esther M. memorized it almost perfectly. There were also games, praise, testimony sharing, and prayer activities. To prepare for the retreat, students studied a book and the passage multiple times, and messengers attended a message camp.

Through Isaiah 53, we meditated on Jesus, our Wonderful Savior, by whose wounds we are healed. We renewed his grace deeply and decided to be his suffering servants. We are preparing our hearts and minds to be the hosts of the ISBC HBF program. There will be a North American HBF Leaders meeting for the ISBC on Sunday, April 30, 7-8 pm. The video call link is: https://teams.live.com/meet/9328461612544