Hanyang 1 UBF Had their Spring Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 22, 2014
  • 1427 reads

"Then Jesus said to Simon, Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people." (Luke5:10b)

God led us to hold the 2014 spring conference on May17-18 at Gwanglim seminar house at Pochun Korea. God raised four messengers, three symposium speakers and nine testimony speakers among students of University of Hanyang. This gave new vision and great encouragement to Hanyang ministry. The number of attendees was 92 including three missionaries & native shepherds from overseas and 18 newcomers.

The opening message title was “I Will Give You Rest" based on Mt. 11:28-30 given by Heongjae Lee. He prepared his debut message with all his heart. It was a graceful message which included his sincere life testimony.

The main lecture 1 was entitled, "You Will Fish for People" based on Luke5:1-11 given by Sh. Bumsuk Kim who is student president for Hanyang student ministry. He delivered the message confidently on the obedience and mission from Jesus Christ. He made a decision to enter the graduate school giving up the opportunity to be hired by a famous major firm in Korea. By this all our brothers and sisters were greatly moved and were challenged by.
In the morning devotion time Byounchang Kim( who is a mathematical genius) delivered a message entitled, " Seek First and His Righteousness" based on Mt. 6:25-34. He explained clearly and logically how God keeps his promises, which is the foundation to obey and believe without any doubts.

The main lecture 2 entitled, “You Will be my Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth" based on Acts 1:1-8 was given by Wangkyu Koh. He boldly testified that we ought to be witnesses of risen Christ by faith transcending realities.
Though the four messengers do not have much experience in delivering messages, they all poured out their hearts in message preparation for a month with prayer and God’s word. Then they boldly testified to the word of God from their hearts and greatly encouraged all our brothers and sisters.

As for symposium sharing, Moses Ku Jr, Jiae Chung and Sh. Monica Song presented. The testimony speakers were Hoomin Lee, Kihoon You, Dukjoong Kang, Sarah Choi, Rebecca Chung, Hannah Choi, Hyunsoo Lee, Hyunkyu Kim and Msn. Esther Lee from Toledo UBF, who all shared beautiful testimonies before God learning obedience and they accepted Jesus' mission. Most of them made a decision to share their testimony and Daily Bread once a week in the student meeting in order to grow as disciples of Jesus.

The night program included drama (Lk 5 presented by Dong Kyu Chae) and music. Maria Lee, Jinjoo Oh, Maria Ku and Jinhee Suek served the work casting freshmen of 2014 and made a prayer vessel with them. They translated the word of God into a modern sense based on “ Heongboo and Nolboo” drama (Korean comedy)" and it was joyful and gave a clear message.
The music program was served by Paul Choi, WhangKyu Koh, John Jun, Sarah Choi and Rebecca Chung along with a band. Monica Song and Jiae Chung played piano and Sh. Noah Shin served Trombone special play.

Junior women shepherds and SAM( single apostle meeting) served a vocal ensemble and Sh. Monica Song and Hannah Koh played flute.
Especially Msn. Caleb Park' family who is professor at Univ of Robert Morris in USA and Esther Lee who is in PHD course at Univ of Toledo participated in the conference.
Our purpose for this conference were to raise our middle level students as firm disciples of Jesus and bring the freshmen of 2014 into our spiritual community in prayer.

We thank God for listening to our prayers and for raising four brothers as messengers especially for letting Byuongchang Kim and Heongjae Lee to serve their messages in sincere struggle before God and won the victory. Most of all, we focused on " Seek first his kingdom and righteousness” because it is the only way for us to overcome realities and to have true freedom and life in obeying the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also thank God for the student shepherds who are learning obedience and devotion to God in accordance with Jesus' calling and mission. We thank God for giving all our brothers and sisters spiritual desire to participate in early morning prayer and Daily Bread meeting and testimony sharing (Peter’s Meeting).

Before the conference we devoted ourselves to 5:30am prayer meeting and had intercessory prayer every Friday at 8:00pm for the conference. Fellowship by fellowship, we set aside one day to gather together to pray for newcomers.
We praise and thank God for bringing Hoomin Lee, Kihoon You, Dukjoong Kang, Moses Ku Jr, Joeon Ku, Sarah Choi Jr, Rebecca Chung, Hyunsoo Lee, HyunKyu Kim, Hannah Choi and Sarah Kim Jr into our spiritual community.
We pray that God may bring all the brothers and sisters who are our coworkers and have been serving with prayer and the Word from the last semester to our summer Bible conference.
May God continue to bless us to establish Mark team, Paul team and Hannah team, raising disciples since God richly blessed our conference.

Summer Ministry Prayer Topics:

1. For Matthew's gospel study and for summer conference
2. For supporting Europe and CIS conference and attending with prayer
3. For growing and making a prayer vessel of student ministry (Mark team, Paul team, Blessing team and Hannah' prayer meeting)
4. For all our coworkers to devote themselves to early morning prayer, fellowship meeting and prayer meeting on Friday

by Moses Kim