2011 Korea UBF National Student Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 01, 2011
  • 1100 reads

Korea Natianl Student Conference From Jan. 25-27, 2011, Korea UBF held the 11th National Student Bible Conference at Byunwha mountain in Gongju, Korea. The number of attendees was 283, the largest ever, and God worked mightily and graciously among the students through his life-giving words. This conference was organized by Moses K., the director of education, along with Moses L. and Nehemiah. Also, Chongro UBF actively participated in the conference.

 The conference began with Seung-Woon's (Yonhee I) opening message titled, "Go on to maturity in Jesus,” based on Heb 5:11-6:2. Through the message, God renewed our hearts to have a great desire to mature into the image of Jesus. Five student testimony speakers shared testimonies that were full of grace.

On the first night, there was a special lecture titled, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?“ based on Mk 10:17-31 given by Caleb (Chongro I). Through this message, each of us made a decision to get rid of idols from our hearts and serve Jesus only.

Afterward, we had a talent contest between chapters and there were diverse, creative, and meaningful performances of dances, praise, UCC, and dramas. They were all greatly encouraged and revealed their passion and talents through this contest.

On the second day, Joshua (Hanyang) delivered Main Lecture 1 titled, "A prophet of the nations.” Through this, we all renewed our true identity and vision as prophets of the nations.

On the second night, Joshua (Daejeon) gave us a special lecture titled, "The early pioneering work of the UBF ministry." In his lecture, he summed up the ten different pioneering spirits of our UBF ancestors: 1. Compassionate shepherd heart, 2. Raising spiritual leaders, 3. A Bible study centered life, 4.Earnest prayer, 5. One-to-one ministry (raising one disciple as a leader), 6. Giving spirit, 7. Soldier spirit, 8. Partnerships and small fellowship, 9. Pioneering spirit, and 10. The meaning of the UBF ministry in light of church history. Through this, all the students learned about the pioneering spirit of our UBF ancestors.

On the last day, Main Lecture II titled, "Endure hardship with me,” from 2Ti 2:1-4 was given by Geum- Chul (Kwanak V). All the students wrote their testimonies according to the message and shared it group by group with sincere hearts and made decisions to live as Christian soldiers who only serve Jesus and his mission and participate in the sufferings of Christ, not being bound by sin and a self-centered family life.

2011 is a meaningful year for us because it is UBF's 50th anniversary. We thank God we could have this conference ahead of this historical event so that we could get rid of a life of ease, selfishness, and materialism from our hearts and could have a clear direction of success through the gospel faith of our ancestors.

We also thank God for arousing our desire to please him with a clear identity as prophets of the nations and as Christian soldiers. We pray that God may raise all the students who attended the conference as faithful Christian soldiers. Furthermore, may God continue to use them to revive and raise student disciples from the campuses and use them for 50 more successful years of the UBF ministry.
