2011 European Directors' Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 06, 2011
  • 1004 reads


We had a European directors' conference in Vienna Austria. God revived our spirit through this conference.

106 from 23 European nations and 18 guests (10 USA, 8 Korea) attended. Dr. Peter Chang the director of Europe delivered the Ezra message in fluent English very gracefully. Then we had chapter reports of all European nations (Later we will post on ubf.org). After GBS at night, Dr. John Jun delivered the main message 1 Sam 7:2-17. The presider Sh. Abraham Ian said Dr. John Jun's message was like a thunderous message of repentance. Second day, Dr. Samuel H Lee from Korea delivered a graceful 2nd main message of Phil 2:1-18. We wrote testimony and had testimony sharing at 4pm in group. 80% of directors shed many tears of repentance when they shared their testimonies. M. Andrew Kim shared a representative testimony. He repented of his idolatrous materialistic life. He loved his idol more than God's work due to his busy company life. On the third day Dr. John Park (Christian history Ph. D) from Korea emphasized revival work through the word of God like that of Jonathan Edwards. He gave hope for Europe as a missionary sending country. UBF European coordinator Dr. Paul Hong delivered simple and clear closing message.

Before this conference, M. Kim Sung Hun who had been a missionary in wycliffe int. gave a special lecture with the title of "why Europe mission, why now?' God blessed our missionaries with His grace, flowing like the Danube river through this conference. May God spread this spiritual revival like that of the Pyung Yang revival. To have continuous revival in the work of God, we should repent our individual and corporate sin then God will bless our ministry also with spirit of repentance and revival. We thank God for Austria UBF director Dr. James and Sarah Han and Daniel Yang's house churches' sacrificial love and serving for this conference.

Dr. John Jun gave prayer topics after this conference:

1) Through our missionaries' personal repentance, we may have continuous revival in our ministry and we may pray for campus students like Samuel as intercessory prayer servants.
2) Pray for pioneering 1700 campuses of Europe and director Dr. Peter Chang
3) UBF 50th Anniversary preparation in Korea and for Dr. Samuel H Lee
4) Asian directors' conference (messenger Sh. David Kim, Dr. John Jun and Jimmy Lee)
