2010 Israel Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 06, 2011
  • 1099 reads

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’” (Romans 1:16-17)

This year God gave us the grace to host an international conference and expand our spiritual borders.

1. Europe New Year’s Conference

By God’s grace, from January 13-19, we could host the Europe New Year’s conference in Jerusalem and in Galilee despite being just one family. A total of 96 co-workers from 23 European countries and 2 other countries attended the conference. This conference was very spiritually meaningful in two aspects. First, prayer servants from Europe and the whole world gathered in the Holy Land and prayed for the restoration of Israel. Second, through the word of God and this pilgrimage, the prayer servants received comfort and new strength. Above all, God encouraged and comforted us by sending his servants from all over the world to our one lonely and struggling family. Through hosting this conference, God gave us vision to serve a New Year’s Conference together with Jewish campus students in the future.

2. BJM Conference

Through the BJM conference which was held from May 27-June 6, we had the opportunity to testify about our gospel ministry to Chinese Christians. UBF representative, Samuel H., talked about the work of God in UBF, and M. Joseph talked about how God is currently working in Israel through the Holy Spirit by presenting actual examples. Through this event, we could receive prayer support for the gospel ministry in Israel even from China.

3. European Second Generation Conference

The historical European second generation conference was held from July 5-9 in Czech Republic. M. Maria, Sarah, and Min Ki attended. Through deep Bible study, testimony writing, and various programs, the Holy Spirit helped them to have a clear identity and faith as second generation missionaries. By God’s grace, Sarah and Min Ki were officially baptized. After this conference, the second generation missionaries grew in faith and they started to challenge all things with prayer. We thank and praise God for raising them to be spiritually healthy.

4. Israel Bible School

On February 28, we had our first Bible school. We studied, “Adam, where are you?” and five Bible students attended. On March 21, we had a second Bible School. We studied “What is your name?” and three Bible students attended. On July 31, we had our third Bible School. We studied “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” and four Bible students attended.

We planned to have a Bible School every month, but after the second Bible School, the Holy Spirit gave us new direction to serve the 1:1 ministry. As a result, the Holy Spirit worked in Brother Nicolas who studied the Bible 1:1 and attended the worship service faithfully. We decided to focus on one person.

From October, God ignited the fire in us to pray and to invite students on campus to Bible study. Every Sunday morning, we prayed earnestly in front of each department for an ancestor of faith, and M. Joseph invited students to Bible study every day. Through inviting students to Bible study, God gave us many opportunities to share the gospel with people who needed it. At the Hebrew University, a prayer meeting of believing Jewish students was formed. Each one of the students is a believer who accepted Jesus as their Savior. Every Monday, believing Jewish students met for prayer and Bible study. M. Joseph attended these meetings and prayed for them.

5. Personal testimony

No matter how hard we tried to teach the Bible, no one seemed to accept Jesus as their Savior. This year we had to struggle to believe that the gospel is indeed the power of God. While we were having a hard time because of students who despised Jesus and humiliated the gospel, God visited us with his word from Genesis, “You will be a father of many nations.” As God appeared to Abraham as the Almighty God, he appeared to me as the Almighty God as well, and he gave me direction to live by faith. As I looked upon the Almighty God by faith, I could see things I could not see with my own eyes. I could see things in the future by faith. I could see that at the Hebrew University, one ancestor of faith and disciples of Jesus would surely be raised. Not only that, I could see that Israel would become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and could rejoice in it. I could believe that when I teach the Bible by faith and with tears, the faithful God will fulfill all his promises. While I was having a hard time because of students who rejected the gospel, God encouraged me through my wife who bought me extremely expensive new shoes and told me that I had beautiful feet because I bring good news. God helped me to stand up again and preach the gospel. Faith is being sure of what we hope for. I came to this place with the decision to only hold on to the word of God and to live by faith. I pray that in God’s time he will fulfill his will through us.

For 2011 we want to hold on to Isaiah 49:2. In 2011, this sinner wants to be raised as a servant of God who can be used according to God’s will as a sharpened sword and a polished arrow. The key verses for 2011 of Maria are John 15:5 and Isaiah 60:1. We pray to hold on to and obey these words, bearing fruit and giving God the glory.