(LATIN AMERICA) More than 200 Coworkers Joined The Latin American New Year Online Conference, held from January 20-22, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 377 reads

by M.I*saac P*ark

The Latin America New Year Online Conference was held from January 20-22 with around 200 Latin coworkers. On the first day, P. R*on W*ard delivered the New Year message based on Romans 15:5, 6. Through his message, we received a spiritual direction and vision to glorify God. At first, we planned to have Spanish Bible study groups among Latin leaders and Korean Bible study groups among Korean missionaries, but we changed the plan and mixed Latin leaders and Korean missionaries for group Bible study to glorify God with one mind and one voice.

On the second day, R*aul M*uñoz (CU, Mexico) delivered another main message based on Isaiah 43. He testified that God will do amazing new things among us and we will see His glory when we believe in God and obey His words. M. J*uan C*arlos V*ivas (La Plata, Argentina) shared his video testimony about God's salvation work in his life. We could see God's vision and revival work in many Latin American chapters through early morning prayer, daily bread, 1:1 Bible study, campus group Bible study, 2nd generation education, etc. In the afternoon, we had the graduation ceremony of the 3rd cohort of Latin America Leaders School. Eight Latin leaders graduated after successfully completing the two-year course. After the graduation ceremony, three chapters (Colombia, La Plata-Argentina, and Puebla-Mexico) and four committees (IT, online forum, Korean missionary education, and Latin leader school) shared their reports.

On the third day, we had an appointment ceremony for M. J*uan B*aek as the national coordinator of Venezuela. P. R*on W*ard led the appointment ceremony and M. J*uan B*aek shared his prayer topics. We pray that Venezuela UBF will continue to grow and send out more missionaries to other countries. As well, we had a great conversation about education for the second generation education. M. J*ohn & G*oeun R*hee will work to develop the education program. Lastly, we decided to have the 2024 directors' conference in person in Bogota, Colombia.

(Please see the attached file for the full content of the report)

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